Securing Raspberry Pi SSH with Auto SSH Fail

My Raspberry Pi is used as a web server but I also use it to develop Python code via SSH. My primary terminal into my Raspberry Pi is a iPad Pro. I find the combination of a Raspberry Pi along with an iPad Pro a powerful combination. It infuriates me when I look at /var/log/auth.log on my Raspberry Pi and see all the failed password attempts. Use the command to find all of the failed password attempts:

cat /var/log/auth.log | grep 'Failed password'

Some of these crackers are repeatedly trying to crack into my Raspberry Pi, with enough guesses they will eventually get in. To make matters worse they are trying popular user names such as "root", "admin", "php", etc. None of these are valid accounts on my Raspberry Pi but I need to find a way to stop these attempts. This is not my first rodeo so to speak I have been putting computers on the internet since 1988. For as long as I can remember Unix has had this simple concept of /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. Simply put a IP address in /etc/hosts.deny with the syntax "ALL:" and they won't even connect to the SSH daemon. The /etc/hosts.deny file prevents these crackers from having infinite attempts to crack my Raspberry Pi and it reduces the load on the little computer because any network traffic from a IP address in /etc/hosts.deny won't be allowed to connect to sshd. But the idea of manually going through the /var/log/auth.log file and adding addresses to /etc/hosts.deny sounds painful and not something I am likely to keep up with. This is a perfect use case for a simple Python script. So here is a Python script I wrote called

# very simple program that scans /var/log/auth.log and looks for mis-behaving
# hosts.  Those mis-behaving hosts are then added to /etc/hosts.deny. This
# script is designed/tested on Raspbian Jesse.
import os

def read_secure_log():
        reads the file /var/log/auth.log
    with open('/var/log/auth.log', 'r') as secure_file:
        log_lines = secure_file.readlines()

    return log_lines

def get_ip_address(log_string):
        finds the ip address from the log string then returns it
    from_index = log_string.find("from ")
    if from_index > -1:
        log_string_split = log_string[from_index:-1].split(" ")
        if len(log_string_split) > 1:
            return log_string_split[1]
            return "NULL"

def parse_secure_log(secure_log_lines):
        parses the secure log lines looking for string 'Failed password'
    fail_ip_list = []
    for secure_index in range(0, len(secure_log_lines)):
        ban_ip = False
        if "Failed password" in secure_log_lines[secure_index]:
            if "invalid user" in secure_log_lines[secure_index]:
                ban_ip = True
            if "for root" in secure_log_lines[secure_index]:
                ban_ip = True
            if "for mail" in secure_log_lines[secure_index]:
                ban_ip = True

        if ban_ip:
            ip_address_to_ban = get_ip_address(secure_log_lines[secure_index])
            if ip_address_to_ban != "NULL":

    fail_ip_set = set(fail_ip_list)
    fail_ip_list = list(fail_ip_set)
    return fail_ip_list

def add_hosts_to_deny(fail_ip_list):
        add hosts in fail_ip_list to hosts.deny checking to make sure it
        does not already exist
    ip_not_deined_list = []
    with open('/etc/hosts.deny', 'r') as hosts_deny_file:
        hosts_deny_lines = hosts_deny_file.readlines()

    # make sure fail_ip adress it not already in hosts.deny
    for fail_ip_index in range(0, len(fail_ip_list)):
        ip_not_denied = True
        for hosts_deny_index in range(0, len(hosts_deny_lines)):
            if fail_ip_list[fail_ip_index] in hosts_deny_lines[hosts_deny_index]:
                ip_not_denied = False

        if ip_not_denied:

    # add ip_not_deined_list to hosts_deny
    for ip_not_deined_index in range(0, len(ip_not_deined_list)):
        hosts_deny_lines.append("ALL: %s\n" % ip_not_deined_list[ip_not_deined_index])

    # now write out new /etc/hosts.deny file
    with open('/etc/hosts.deny', 'w') as hosts_deny_file:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    secure_log_lines = read_secure_log()
    fail_ip_list = parse_secure_log(secure_log_lines)
    print("detected %d mis-behaving ips" % len(fail_ip_list))
    print("following hosts will be deined")
    for i in range(0, len(fail_ip_list)):

The script above is simple, feel free to edit for your needs. Be careful that you don't lock out your own IP address by logging in with the wrong password. To install this script create a directory with the command:

mkdir /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail

Then copy the script above to /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/ At this point you can run the script but it has to be run as root because it will modify the file /etc/hosts.deny, so prepend the run command with sudo:

sudo python /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/

Then if you cat /etc/hosts.deny you should see IP addresses that correspond with failed password attempts in /var/log/auth.log:

cat /etc/hosts.deny

Now that you have the Python script running we need to have it run repeatedly automatically. On Unix to run programs automatically we use a tool called cron. Cron is usually installed in a system configuration in /etc/cron.hourly or /etc/cron.daily. Scripts placed in /etc/cron.hourly are run automatically every hour and scripts placed in /etc/cron.daily are run once a day. Raspbian is based on Debian which has this bug that scripts with certain file names will be ignored. It took me several hours to figure out why my script was not running on the hour, it was called Apparently the ".sh" at the end of the file name was ignored by the run-parts command which is used by cron to execute scripts. Care needs to be taken that full paths are used in cron based scripts because the full environment is not loaded. In /etc/cron.hourly or /etc/cron.daily copy the following script:


# run this script every hour to scan the /var/log/auth.log looking for
# mis-behaving ip addresses then add the ip address to hosts.deny

# Action!
echo "starting the script ===========================================" >> /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/auto_ssh_fail.log 2>&1
/bin/date >> /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/auto_ssh_fail.log 2>&1
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/ >> /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/auto_ssh_fail.log 2>&1
/bin/date >> /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/auto_ssh_fail.log 2>&1
echo "finished the script ===========================================" >> /home/pi/auto_ssh_fail/auto_ssh_fail.log 2>&1

Now every hour or once a day (I recommend once an hour) the log file /var/log/auth.log will be automatically scanned and failed password attempts will be added to /etc/hosts.deny. If you run the script hourly then at most a cracker will have 60 minutes to attempt a break-in which is very difficult if you use a strong password. Another suggestion is to not use passwords but SSH keys. SSH keys are long and are random, if you are careful to protect your private key your Raspberry Pi would be extremely difficult to crack.

